Monday, May 23, 2011

The Game of Vingt Cinq

Twenty-five random facts about moi:

  1. I was named Madison Lark Meyer because my mother thought I looked like a baby bird when I was born.
  2. I own a butter churn and use it regularly.
  3. I know the names of almost all the animals at the Maryland Zoo. 
  4. I enjoy dancing in the rain.
  5. I don't have a favorite genre of music. I just like good music.
  6. I've taken a bookbinding class. 
  7. When I was a child I loved playing imaginary games with my friends--Imaginaries, Olden Days, Fairies, House, etc.
  8. I have no clue what I'm going to be when I grow up, my life feels like it could go in so many different directions.
  9. My iPod is named Wilhemina. She has exactly 199 songs on her, as of now. 
  10. I am a bibliophile and most of the local librarians are on a first name basis with my family.
  11. My miniature schnauzer's favorite color is green.
  12. I have a fear of being alone.
  13. I love being onstage--whether I am in a dance recital, play, or musical.
  14. I wish I could play an instrument, but I've never been musically talented.
  15. I have recently discovered a love for Nutella (I'm eating a spoonful right now :D) and Glee.
  16. I enjoy listening to NPR and also HCC's station.
  17. I am a nerdfighter a.k.a. one who fights worldsuck.
  18. My first grade class help decide my little sister's name.
  19. I am a Mac. This is most likely because I learned how to use Photoshop on a Mac. 
  20. Sometimes I sit on my roof.
  21. I love old things.
  22. I'd rather sew by hand than with a machine.
  23. I've never been out the country, though I've always wanted to travel.
  24. Even though my voice is nothing special, I love to sing--especially show tunes.
  25. I always try to pick out the funkiest and most unusual glasses when I get a new pair.

My spirit animal and me 

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