Twenty-five random facts about moi:
- I was named Madison Lark Meyer because my mother thought I looked like a baby bird when I was born.
- I own a butter churn and use it regularly.
- I know the names of almost all the animals at the Maryland Zoo.
- I enjoy dancing in the rain.
- I don't have a favorite genre of music. I just like good music.
- I've taken a bookbinding class.
- When I was a child I loved playing imaginary games with my friends--Imaginaries, Olden Days, Fairies, House, etc.
- I have no clue what I'm going to be when I grow up, my life feels like it could go in so many different directions.
- My iPod is named Wilhemina. She has exactly 199 songs on her, as of now.
- I am a bibliophile and most of the local librarians are on a first name basis with my family.
- My miniature schnauzer's favorite color is green.
- I have a fear of being alone.
- I love being onstage--whether I am in a dance recital, play, or musical.
- I wish I could play an instrument, but I've never been musically talented.
- I have recently discovered a love for Nutella (I'm eating a spoonful right now :D) and Glee.
- I enjoy listening to NPR and also HCC's station.
- I am a nerdfighter a.k.a. one who fights worldsuck.
- My first grade class help decide my little sister's name.
- I am a Mac. This is most likely because I learned how to use Photoshop on a Mac.
- Sometimes I sit on my roof.
- I love old things.
- I'd rather sew by hand than with a machine.
- I've never been out the country, though I've always wanted to travel.
- Even though my voice is nothing special, I love to sing--especially show tunes.
- I always try to pick out the funkiest and most unusual glasses when I get a new pair.
My spirit animal and me |
I love your description of nerdfighters! :D