Zora Neale Hurston was an excellent writer and prominent figure in the Harlem Renaissance. She has received much criticism and praise for her works, especially Their Eyes Were Watching God. I do think that the dialect of the dialogue was a little challenging and threw me off at first, but I quickly got used to it and saw the culture that it added to the story. "In case there are readers who have a chronic laziness about dialect, it should be added that the dialect here is very easy to follow, and the images it carries are irresistible," said Lucille Tompkins in a New York Times Book Review. I love this book so far and find it interesting and very well written. One must delve beneath the surface of the novel to really enjoy it--the symbols are deep and rich with emotion and the themes are definitely there, but hidden under the gorgeous imagery.
Richard Wright was probably Zora's biggest critic. He said that her novel did not show the racial injustice and was also very mad at her for writing black men that physically abused the main character, Janie. Truly, the racial injustice of slavery and of the Jim Crowe laws is included in the story, though it is not bluntly obvious. In a review by George Stevens for the Saturday Review of Literature it was written that, "...there is an undertone, never loud enough to be isolated, of racial frustration." I agree that she does include it, but not so prominently because it is not always prominent in real life. Sheila Hibbon stated that "...there is a flashing, gleaming riot of black people, with a limitless exuberance of humor, and a wild, strange sadness," in The New York Herald Tribune Weekly Book Review.
I have enjoyed this book immensely so far and I cannot wait to finish reading it. I love Zora's style of writing and I like hearing about Janie's quest for love. I especially like Zora's symbols and her well-developed characters.
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