We recently read "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry in class and are currently doing a background check.
- real name: William Sydney Porter
- born- September 11, 1862 in Greensboro, North Carolina
- when not writing he was a :
- ranch hand
- bookkeeper
- bank teller
- editor of The Rolling Stone
- time in jail- a little over three years(1898-1901) for embezzling a bank
- received the maximum reduction of time for good behavior
- famous for- surprise endings or use of dramatic irony
- has an award named after him that is given annually to the author who has the best stories printed in American magazines
- married Sara Coleman but she was never fully healthy and died in 1897
- had a child with her but it died in infancy
- after jail sentence went to New York city in an effort to get away from his past
- remarried to a childhood sweetheart, but the marriage was a failure
- became an alcoholic at the end of his life
- died-June 5, 1910 in New York City
Sorce: http://go.grolier.com/,
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